Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Purses are a big part of the fashion industry. This rainbow Coach purse is about $339.00. Coach purses are usually about 200-550 dollars. I love them, and own one. Purses that you can get from a dollar store for like $20.00, are not good quality. You should have a practical purse, with a black or white color. This bag has a circle shape to it, and those designs can usually get more space. Squares, can sometimes fit lots of room. Try to avoid purses with Velcro because they can hook/ stuck to things and it's very hard to get off. That's why zippers is a good choice on purses. Same with magnets, if you have a part of your purse that is metal, it will try to move itself to go to the other metal.
That was The Fashion Blog today.

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